Over the past 5 years that I have been collecting Polish Pottery...I am happy to say that I have had many more Polish Pottery "triumphs" than "disasters!" I am a terrible klutz, and therefore...only one fact holds true....Polish Pottery is ridiculously strong. Otherwise...how would it be possible that I have only broken 1 piece in my personal collection in the past 5 years?
First, the only breakage:
If you've met me, you may know that I am very vertically challenged. That means that my cupboards' LOWEST shelf is BARELY within my reach. Dumb me...I knocked this bowl out of the cabinet as I was reaching for a nearby plate. The bowl fell onto a hard metal pan underneath it (in the dryer rack), and split it in two! So sad! Unfortunately, this is my FAVORITE size bowl, and it is veeerry unlikely that I'll ever be able to find a matching shape again (this pattern was limited edition from Manufactura. I don't like many patterns from the Manufactura pattern, but this special pattern hit the spot!). Now I am down to just 2 others this same size (it's a good thing I like their pattern better, anyhow!).
Now...for a story of triumph...
A few years ago I went to a dinner party, and I brought some appetizers on a Polish Pottery Dinner Plate. When leaving the party, I put the plate on my car roof as I strapped my child into her car seat. Without thinking twice, I got in the car, and my husband and I pulled away. We were headed down the curved mountain road, came to a stop sign, and turned left to head home.

All of a sudden, we heard a loud "Ding-ding-ding!" My husband said "What was that?!" I screamed "Pull Over!" as I realized that when we made the turn...our plate had gone FLYING off our car, rolled vertically on the cement, and ended up landing on the rocky roadside.
I jumped out of the car, and found our plate in ONE PIECE, laying there among the roadside shrubbery. We could not believe it!!
To this day, I can't remember which plate it was...because no physical evidence was left behind, showing that our plate had jumped off the top of our car, rolled on the road, and landed on the roadside. Now, THAT is a test of endurance.
But alas, I must include a disclaimer...DO NOT try this at home. Polish Pottery is not invincible, and chances are, you will not be as lucky as us! But it sure has solidified my love of Polish Pottery!
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